3 Mental Modes* Of A Startup CEO
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[*a temperament to act and think in a certain way]
No one teaches you how to be a CEO, more so when you jump into it without experience. Learn how to manage your energy and time as CEO effectively.
“How can I optimise my ‘mental energy’ and ‘time’?”
This is a challenge that a startup founder faces everyday - to prioritise where, how and on what I spend my time and mental energy. You will learn three mental modes and underlying ‘states’ and ‘mindsets’ and skills to be the best you can be.
01: Three Mental Modes
A startup founder typically performs three ‘types of tasks’, and each one requires a different ‘mental mode’. Three 'modes' are:
CREATOR MODE [Concept & Product] - Generating new ideas for your business concept and working on a new ‘product’ or ‘service’.
GENERATOR MODE [Sales & Capital] - Generating money to fuel your business growth, either through selling your product or trading equity or credentials for capital to run the company,
GENERATOR MODE [Sales & Capital] - Generating money to fuel your business growth, either through selling your product or trading equity or credentials for capital to run the company,
02: Balancing Your ‘Energy’ & ‘Time’
Hands on, gamified role play activities will take you through:
How to understand which mode is the need of the hour and what kind of ‘state’ you need to be in, and what kind of skills and mindsets you need to master.
Please send us an email by clicking on the button above if you are interested in the course.