Empathy - What Makes Us Human


Understanding others is a prerequisite to working with them. Empathy is at core of effective working relationships.


Empathy is one of the traits that makes us human, and is increasingly effective as a foundational leadership skill. It is even more critical in a business environment increasingly being shaped by fast diffusion of technology in our lives. This course will give you a fresh perspective on Empathy, and how you can build it as a reflex and practice in your day to day.


01. Unpacking Empathy Equation

Empathy is not just feeling other person. It is about taking action with compassion to alleviate pain of others. Empathy equation has two sides:

  • Understanding’ side (being sensitive to others’ condition)

  • ‘Action’ side (intentional action with compassion)


02. Building Empathy Muscle

But how do we train ourselves in feeling others and taking action with compassion? How do we build muscle of empathy in us. That’s where the oft hidden part of the equation needs to be understood, which is about developing sensitivity and ability to see other people’s perspective.

Hands on, gamified role play activities will take you through a journey of tapping into your inner self and realising your inherent human potential and ability to be truly empathetic.


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