Superpower of Collaboration
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Workouts to build the meta-muscle of collaboration - Master the five co-relational human skills that are foundation of effective collaboration.
“If collaboration was a technical problem we would have solved it yesterday.”
Our success depends on how we work together in teams for a common purpose and goal. Key is collaboration. Collaboration sounds easier than it is in practice. Key reason for this is complexity of ‘human behaviour’. Our research has shown that effective collaboration (in teams) requires understanding of two dimensions - dimension of function-specific skills and dimension of co-relational human-skills. In this course we will focus on the mastery of human skills in a systematic way, and practical tools.
“Everyone else should change but not me.”
This programme will unpack collaboration and its mastery in following ways:
Me & We
Ability to appreciate that effective change happens at interplay of ‘me’ (how I think, behave and act) and ‘we’ (how we collaborate with each other)Two dimensions of collaboration
A common language (vocabulary), definitions and framework to navigate the maze of future skills.5x3 Framework for effective collaboration
Ability to use ‘5 x 3 Collaboration Framework’ - Effective collaboration can be deconstructed into mastery of five co-relational human skills.
Please send us an email by clicking on the button above if you are interested in the course.